Fresh Asparagus Recipes
Fresh Asparagus recipes are made of asparagus, which is a spring vegetable. Asparagus belongs to the lily family and is a flowering recurrent plant. It is usually grown as a moderate crop but also has the potential of being grown as a tropical crop. It is a creeper just like thorny plants and is available in three colors, which are purple, green and white. Due to its sensitive flavor and diuretic properties, fresh asparagus recipes have been utilized for medicinal and culinary purposes for thousands of years. Asparagus is cultivated all over the world as a vegetable crop and is local to places in most of Western Asia, North Africa and Europe. The origin of this vegetable is unknown. Nonetheless, it is believed that it might have originated from some place in the Eastern Mediterranean sea. These recipes were found in the oldest recipe books like the Apicius from the third AD, which is a collection of Roman cookery recipes. Romans, Greeks and ancient Egyptians ate fresh asparagus during...