A look at some of the fresh Asparagus Recipes

Fresh Asparagus Recipes are made from asparagus which is a spring vegetable. Asparagus belongs to the lily family and is a flowering perennial plant. It is usually grown as a temperature crop but also has the potential of being grown as a tropical crop. It is crawler just like thorny plants and is available in three colors, which are purple, green and white.

The origin of this vegetable is unknown. Nonetheless, it is believed that it might have originated from some place in the eastern Mediterranean area. Its recipes are found in the oldest surviving recipe books like Apicius from the 3rd AD which is a collection of Roman cookery recipes. Ancient Romans, Greeks, Egyptians ate fresh asparagus during its season and dried it for use in winter.

The shoots of asparagus is strongly flavored and turn woody once the buds commence opening, hence they are eaten when they are young. This vegetable is cooked in various ways in cuisines all over the world. Asparagus is generally served as an appetizer or a vegetable side dish. Green asparagus is popular across the world while white asparagus is extensively grown in Germany, Netherlands, France and Belgium. Purple asparagus, which was originally created in Italy, is still grown in countries such as United States and New Zealand. These recipes are cooked in different ways such as grilling or stir frying.

Asparagus is low in calories and a healthy choice. It is rich in zinc, calcium, magnesium and Vitamin B6. It is also a great source of dietary fiber, Vitamin C, Vitamin A, Vitamin E, Vitamin K, thiamin, Riboflavin, rutin, niacin, folic acid, potassium, phosphorus, copper, manganese and selenium. Pharmaceutical companies also utilize asparagus to prepare drugs that are used to treat diseases like cough, diarrhea, dysentery, herpes and stomach ulcers.


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